
To help children and adult amputees and their families determine what their goals are and how they can reach them.

Steve works to help children and adults lead fulfilling lives by beating the odds against depression, reduced quality of life and obesity that can accompany the loss of a limb.



• If a child wants to know how he’ll ever play basketball again, Steve is there to inspire and encourage through example.

• If parents worry about the heavy costs of prosthetics and replacement as their child grows, Steve works to connect them with sources of support so the child can be properly fitted with the prosthetics needed to perform any activity the child dreams about.

• If difficult choices about amputation and concerns over future mobility limitations need to be weighed, Steve helps families make informed choices.





Steve and a Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital patient at the 2006 Rainbow Golf Classic fundraiser

Copyright 2008 Steve Ehretsman. Site Design by Chris Jungjohann